Theory Test

In order to get your full licence you must first pass your theory test before you can even apply for your practical test. The test is designed to get you ready for driving lessons and a life of safe driving, you do not have to pass your theory before you start lessons.

The test is split into two parts, the first being 50 multiple choice questions, where you must get at least 43 correct. The next section is the hazard perception, where you watch 14 clips (one has two hazards) and click as you see the hazard develop, the earlier you spot it, the higher you score. There is a maximum of 5 per clip (10 on the double) and you must get 45 out of a possible 75 to pass.

Learning Reasources

There are a number of ways to learn the information required to pass your theory test. The Highway Code is obviously a good starting point. To go a bit deeper I find the DVSA’s own app on the Theory test to be the best around. Others are availed but most are just a bank of question and Hazard Perception clips. The DVSA app also gives you all the information you need in sections in paragraph form, making the information much easier to digest and remember.

Highway Code

Click here to go to the government website’s free, online Highway Code.

Colour Academy

This is a slightly unusual idea but I think great fun and a more interesting way to learn the knowledge needed to get the knowledge needed to pass your Theory Test; a colouring book.

Particularly helpful for visual learners, this resource will help the information stick better than just reading words on a page or screen.

Click here to open another window to the Colour Academy website where you can purchase the book direct. As they say on their website at £14, it is cheaper than a resit.

You can book your theory test here.
(Opens new window to the the DVSA booking page, test cost £23).
See the video below for more details.