Pass Plus

Once you’ve passed take your driving to a new level with this six hour course.

Pass Plus is a practical course taking at least six hours (normally in three, two hour lessons) and is to help improve driving ability and safety on the road. It can be taken any time after passing but is best suited tin the first year after passing your test.

There are six modules covering different aspects of driving,

  • Night time
  • Town driving
  • Rural roads
  • Dual carriageways 
  • Motorways
  • Poor driving conditions
I also include exercises to help improve navigation (via Sat Nav, road signs and road markings) and driving on unfamiliar roads. 

Although there is no test each element needs to to reach a satisfactory level of attainment in order to pass the course so additional training might be required. It’s mainly practical but some elements might be more theory based, depending on local conditions at the time of course (for instance it would be hard to do a practical demonstration of how to drive in snow in the middle of July).