Part Trained

Once you have mastered the basics of car control the next stage is learn how use the car on the road.

So once you are able to get reasonable amount of control over the car so it can go, stop and turn corners the next stage is understanding the rules of the road and how to apply this to real life driving. It is a around this stage you should be looking to pass your theory test, (see theory test page for more details). The areas we will cover include (not in any particular order)
  • Junctions
  • Traffic Lights
  • Pedestrian and level crossings
  • Lane positioning

At this stage we will look to start getting experience in how to deal with the changing situations on the road and how to deal with other road users. The topics here will include
  • Use of mirrors
  • Lane positioning
  • Road positioning
  • Meeting traffic
  • Use of space
  • Overtaking
  • Roundabouts

We will also start to practice the four reversing manoeuvres needed for the driving test, as well as other useful reversing manoeuvres that wont be tested (last two)
  1. Reverse bay park
  2. Forward bay park
  3. Pull up on the right
  4. Parallel parking
  5. Reverse around a corner
  6. Turn in the road (three point turn).